Running the marathon of life!

Community event with Beatie at Morasha Shul


‘It’s not about dreaming big – dream HUGE! If you don’t put those big goals out there, you will never know.’ Inspiring words that Beatie lives by, in order to live life to the fullest. Beatie Deutsch, a religious mother of five, a wife and, on top of it all, an elite female athlete and Olympic marathon qualifier. 

The Cape Town community had the privilege of listening to Beatie’s inspiring journey on ‘winning the marathon of life’. She was brought to South Africa in celebration of Yom Yerushalayim and in collaboration with Mizrachi, SAZF CC and the Israel Centre. She also spoke to various age groups at each school, leaving the students inspired.

Beatie discovered her running talent in her mid-20s and has only been running for the past 10 years. ‘There is nothing that stands in the way of your willpower.’ Her early marathon goal was to win the Jerusalem Marathon, which is famous for its hills. With her dedication and training, she managed to complete the marathon in record time for the women’s division. This sparked the beginning of her new-found talent and purpose, which brought about endless opportunities. 

Beatie is active on social media, a powerful speaker and has inspired thousands through her posts and speeches. She is an advocate for Beit Daniella – for adolescents struggling with mental health issues – and uses her public profile to advocate for the organisation. When the organisation was still only just a dream, she ran to raise funds for Beit Daniella to get off the ground, and managed to raise $50 000. 

In 2019, Beatie was ranked as one of the Top 50 most influential Jewish women in the world. She has won multiple national titles, several international races and is the first and only elite marathoner in the world with five children.

‘We all have a unique G-D-given role in this world.’ Beatie’s story resonates with people of all backgrounds and ages. Through her uplifting and entertaining speeches, she shares the lessons she’s learned through marathoning and offers practical tools to achieve one’s dreams.

In Beatie’s words: ‘Your failures bring you closer to your potential!’

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