WIZO’s Tikkun Olam for Mandela Day

WIZO South Africa

By Shelley Trope-Friedman, President WIZO South Africa

As we are about to celebrate Mandela Day (named after former South African President, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela) on the 18th of July, we cannot help but wonder what Mr Mandela would have thought about our South African government taking Israel to the International Court of Justice. Mr Mandela was a joint winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for having led the transition from apartheid to a multiracial democracy in South Africa. As a result of this, we celebrate and recognise Mandela Day as a global call to action rejoicing in the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world and the ability to make a greater impact.   

This, for us, the Jewish people, translates to “Tikkun Olam” – “repairing the world” – which is a cornerstone of our Jewish identity.
It is a key reason for our commitment to making the world a better place for now and for our future generations.

In staying with this theme, the Women’s International Zionist Organisation, (WIZO), supported by a global network of Zionist women, is at the forefront of social activity that empowers the most vulnerable in Israel. We have our hearts in the right place as we volunteer our time and money to empower women, children and youth at-risk to become more productive members of Israeli society. 

Our work continues to encompass the management of day care centres, youth villages, high schools and vocational schools. With the barbarous events of October 7th, WIZO sprang into overdrive as the need was greater than ever. Our foster homes, centres for battered women and for the prevention of domestic violence, as well as those for youth at-risk, have continued to provide critical services to those who need it most. The post-trauma pain and anxiety is ongoing and WIZO continues to step up in action, by doing what matters. We are fully embedded in Sderot and the south of Israel. Our three newly built bulletproof bomb shelters for babies and children are now ready for any eventuality. Further to that we have recently reopened a community centre where people can come together to relate their experiences, and give one another support to cope with the reality of what they have faced.

It is WIZO’s ongoing mission to ensure that more people are aware of the vital work that we do so that WIZO can continue to be propelled into the future. There is a dire need to ensure the care and support of the people of Israel in order to safeguard the strength and vibrancy of the country and this is WIZO’s philosophy. The events of October 7th have connected us in a way that we feel closer to Israel and her people and doing our part is non-negotiable. 

In our own backyard, here in South Africa, we still have much hope for the future of our country. Nelson Mandela said: “It always seems impossible until it’s done!” This year, we shall do all we can to celebrate Mandela Day with pride and enthusiasm.

Website: WIZO South Africa

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  1. Shelley, what an absolutely precious read. You are simply the best. WIZO is so lucky to have you as the President of WIZO South Africa. Am Israel Chai. Long live all our projects ❤️ ♥️. Love Linda


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