JULIAN RESNICK writes from Israel
These are some notes I took while participating with around half a million other Israelis in a demonstration on Saturday evening, September 7th, in Tel Aviv at the Menachem Begin Gate of the Kirya, the GHQ of the IDF.
I wrote down these words as I heard them. What you cannot hear/feel/see is the intense emotional content of each and every one of them.
Let me also say, before you read the actual words, that there were many, many Israelis not there in Tel Aviv who agree with the sentiments expressed, as well as many, many Israelis not there who disagree with the sentiments expressed.
You need to know that we are not a united people. We are deeply divided – possibly more deeply divided than ever before. The fact is that many Jewish organisations in the Diaspora might not like to face this reality and might be peddling a different message, but these are the facts. This is not FAKE.
You also need to know – even if this is a forbidden statement in the mainstream of the Jewish world – that Israel, the liberal, democratic, open, creative State of Israel, is in grave danger.
Existential danger. No less.
Of all the demonstrations I have attended over the past months – and there have been many – of all the powerful moments at these demonstrations – and there have been many – this plea from Idan Alexander’s grandmother (“Idani, Idanelle”), coupled with the language of a Judaism I can identify with, firmly based in our traditions, struggling with our traditions, using the language of our traditions, unpacking the values which lie behind the traditions and interfacing them with the issues we face right now, touched me as never before.
Add to this, that when I stand at the demonstrations, I stand as a totally committed Jew, Israeli and the grandfather of Tamar, Naomi, Asaf, Yotam, Ronni, Noam, Ozzie, Roy. When she says “Idani, Idanelle”, I do my simultaneous translations.
B’Sorot Tovot.
May we hear good news
The notes:
• If the government holds the Philadelphi Corridor, Israel will fall. (The Philadelphi Corridor is the name of a narrow strip of land situated along the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
• Traitors
• Netanyahu, you murderer
• The Philadelphi Corridor is what keeps the coalition whole and the government in power
• Over 100 hostages have been returned through negotiations; only eight by military means
• Moral bankruptcy
• Our values are being held hostage by this government
• Where a government fails, the people must act
• “Shmah Yisrael!!!!!” (the grandmother of the hostage Idan Alexander – I, by total chance, stood next to her at the demonstration outside the Prime Minister’s office just six days before)
• The month of rachamim (mercy), selichot (asking for forgiveness) is Elul
• “Avinu Malkeinu, Shma Koleinu” (‘Our Father, our King, hear our voices’)!!! “Shlach et Ami” (‘Let My People Go’)!!! “Veshuvu Banim LeGvulam” (‘And let our children return home’). “Idani, Idanelle, Idani”.
• Silence
Julian Resnick was born in Somerset West and grew up in Habonim Dror. He studied at UCT, and made Aliyah in 1976. He’s conducted numerous shlichuyot and educational missions on behalf of Israel, to Jewish communities in England and the USA. He works as a guide in Israel and around the world (wherever there is a Jewish story). He’s married to Orly, and they have three children and eight grandchildren and is a member of Kibbutz Tzora.
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