An incredible Machaneh at Habonim

Madrichim wait to welcome channies to the beautiful Onrus campsite

By YAEL DUCHEN (Head of Cape Town Madrichim 2025)

As summer holidays come to a close we fondly reflect on our time spent on Machaneh Habonim Dror 2024. The theme of this year’s machaneh was ‘Bonim Beyachad’ – Building Together. One of the core focuses of the theme was rebuilding the Jewish people after October 7th and forging new understandings within ourselves and among each other. 

Each channich made the most of their experience, be it soaking in the sun on the beach, playing in action-packed soccer tournaments, dancing at havdallah or pushing themselves to engage in thought-provoking peulot. We ran highly anticipated projects in each of the shichavot including a crazy night of wrestle-mania, bands night where we danced the night away in the decorated cheder ochel, and a camp-wide talent show featuring performances of songs, dances, and some musical theatre. 

Over three weeks we built new friendships with both channichim and madrichim, stronger Jewish and Zionistic identities, a culture of silliness and laughter, and an excitement to do it all again next year. We look forward to a peaceful and exciting year ahead.

Keep up to date!
Habonim: website: Habonim Dror SA, Facebook HabonimSA
Netzer: website:, Instagram netzer_southafrica
Bnei Akiva: website: Beni Akiva South Africa, Facebook Bnei Akiva Cape Town
SAUJS Western Cape: Facebook @SAUJS, Instagram @saujs_westerncape
Diller Teen Fellows: website: Diller Teen Fellows , Facebook Diller Teen Fellows, Instagram
BBYO South Africa: Instagram, website

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