Celebrating Jewish life in Cape Town with international Patrons and Friends

Guests chatting on the patio of Welgemeend Manor House

On Monday evening, 30th December 2024, guests from across the globe came together for the Friends of the UJC Cape Town (Friends) Annual Event. The event, a highlight of the festive season for the past 15 years, was held at Welgemeend Manor House in the heart of Gardens.

The Friends were fortunate to host this event in such a magnificent location. The positive feedback from all the guests was heartwarming. As always, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Investec for their ongoing support, which has been invaluable since inception. Stephen Koseff, founder and past CEO of Investec, welcomed our guests, reinforcing the strong bond between Investec and the community.

The highlight of the evening was the keynote speech by Helen Zille, Chairperson of the Federal Council of the Democratic Alliance. Helen captivated the audience with her insightful commentary on the progress of the Government of National Unity (GNU), its formation, current progress and future prospects. Suzanne Ackerman graciously thanked Helen for sharing with us, and for the invaluable contribution she brings to our beloved South Africa.

Throughout the evening, guests were treated to live background music by the Fynbos Strings Trio, whose performance included nostalgic tunes, resonating with Israeli and Jewish themes.

Guests were offered a gastronomic selection of unique flavours of Cape Town, thanks to the expertise of guest chef Jacques Erasmus, in collaboration with Stan Norrie. The exquisite dishes reflected the essence of Cape Town’s food culture, a memorable feast for all.

The Friends Annual Event not only provides an opportunity to celebrate the strength and spirit of our community but also raises vital funds for the David Susman Community Foundation. As the sole beneficiary of the Friends of the UJC Cape Town, the Community Foundation continues to play a crucial role in safeguarding Jewish life in Cape Town for future generations. Through our combined efforts, we are building a foundation that will support and nurture as well as provide a “safety net” for the community for many years to come.

We are deeply grateful for the continued support from our Patrons, Friends, and donors, particularly those who visit Cape Town regularly. This support is vital in ensuring that the Cape Town Jewish community thrives, and remains resilient in the face of any future challenges we may face.

We believe that Jewish life in Cape Town is worth investing in, and that our community offers significant value to its supporters. With the unwavering commitment of our donors and partners, we look forward to continuing to strengthen and sustain our community for many more generations to come.

Flowing with gratitude to our Patrons and Friends

The generosity of our Friends and Patrons contributes meaningfully to the viability of a vibrant Jewish Community in Cape Town.

A sculptural fountain was designed and built 10 years ago on the Jewish Community Centre Campus, Hatfield Street, Gardens, to recognise the contributions of Patrons and Friends. The lasting legacy of the name plaques of Friends reflected on the Fountain is a visible reminder to all visitors to Cape Town of this generous support.

For more information on the Friends of the UJC Cape Town contact friends@ctjc.co.za or call +27 21 464 6700

• Read the February 2025 issue in magazine format here.

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