What’s on at the Jewish Literary Festival

It is just a few months away from the fifth Jewish Literary Festival to be held in Cape Town after Freedom Day, on public holiday Monday 28 April 2025.

We invite you to a one-day extravaganza of discussion, inspiration and stories! Apart from international authors like Jonathan Freedland and Zibby Owens, who will all feature at our Festival, we are very proud of our homegrown talent. 

This year’s JLF includes fiction by Diane Awerbuck, Paige Nick, and Karen Lazar; compelling memoirs and biographies from former UCT Vice-Chancellor Max Price, Joanne Jowell, and Nikki Munitz. On the non-fiction menu is former MP Tony Leon, Jonathan Ancer, Ryan Blumenthal, and Steven ‘Boykey’ Sidley.

Be ready for an irresistible day of stories – of reflection, of murder, of love and loss, betrayal and bravery. It’s also a day of learning: history, economics and politics – all with a Jewish connection. Tickets will be available on Quicket from February 17

Watch this space for updated information about our authors and the programme in the build-up to JLF2025. 

Please consider becoming a Friend of JLF2025 at R3600, which entitles you to priority seating at all sessions, a VIP reception for authors and sponsors, and free access to our pre-festival events, as well as one JLF2025 ticket. 

To become a friend of JLF2025, go to: www.jewishliteraryfestival.co.za/donate/ or click here for Yoco. Please email proof of payment to garymanstey@gmail.com.

Jewish Literary Festival www.jewishliteraryfestival.co.za

• Read the February 2025 issue in magazine format here.

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