A gem to your crown

The Chief Rabbis of South Africa and Israel formally induct Rabbi Dovid Wineberg.

The Green and Sea Point Hebrew Congregation recently celebrated the induction of Rabbi Dovid Wineberg as Senior Rabbi and leader of the shul.

The occasion was greatly enhanced by the presence of honoured guests, South Africaโ€™s Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein and Chief Rabbi of Israel Yona Metzger, both of whom delivered messages of encouragement and inspiration. In the words of Israelโ€™s Chief Rabbi, โ€œSea Point Shul is the leading shul in the community, and you have just added the gem to your crown.โ€

Amongst the visitors present were Rabbi Winebergโ€™s parents, Rabbi and Mrs Yitzchak Wineberg from Vancouver, and his uncle and aunt, Rabbi and Mrs Levy Wineberg of Johannesburg.

The inauguration offered the crowd a refreshing combination of both traditional ceremony and modern communication โ€” with video segments welcoming the guests and introducing the speakers, prompting Chief Rabbi Dr Goldstein to request a copy to introduce his next speech!

Following the induction by both Chief Rabbis, Rabbi Dovid Wineberg spoke passionately about todayโ€™s world events. He highlighted the power of the people and said that for Marais Road Shul to succeed, all congregants need to be part of a journey of growth. He said that it is this journey that unites us.

The event included video messages from Rabbi Winebergโ€™s grandfather, Rabbi Yosef Wineberg of New York, and from another two Chief Rabbis โ€” Lord Jonathan Sacks of England and Israelโ€™s former Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau.

Norman Isaacson, Marais Road Shulโ€™s timeless shammes, led the assembled guests in prayers for South Africa and Israel.

The procession was led into the shul by the president Aubrey Miller (who served as MC) and vice president Stephen Gore. Cantor Ivor Joffe and the choir welcomed all with Baruch Haba and the service ended with Rael Levitt offering thanks to all, followed by the choirโ€™s rousing Halleluyah!