10th Anniversary of Cape Town Holocaust Centre

The Holocaust Centre's 10th Anniversary Dinner on the 01/12/08

The Cape Town Holocaust Centre opened its doors in August 1999. To mark its 10th anniversary year the Centre is planning a special programme of events. launched in December last year with a celebratory dinner for benefactors.

Guest speaker, renowned British actor and trustee of the Holocaust Educational Trust (UK), Sir Antony Sher stressed, in a stirring address, that the lessons of the Holocaust must be remembered and passed down from generation to generation. He applauded the Cape Town Holocaust Centre for its role in this important mission.

Speaking at the dinner, founder Myra Osrin said that when a vision for the yet-to-be established Holocaust Centre was first conceptualised and articulated in 1996, it was that of creating a more caring and just society in which human rights and diversity are respected and valued.

She said that no one envisaged then the extent to which this noble vision would be fulfilled, nor how far the Centreโ€™s mission of teaching about the consequences of racism and discrimination would reach. Nor could they have anticipated the tremendous success of the venture and that there would be, in 2008, a national Holocaust Foundation with centres in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.

Osrin paid special tribute to the survivors, who were an inspiration in the establishment of the Centre and thanked the benefactors whose generous and ongoing contributions ensure the fulfilment of its vision. Chairman of the board of trustees, David Susman made a presentation in tribute to Eric and Sheila Samson, sponsors of the event, for their outstanding and most generous support of the Centre.


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