Diller announces sixth Cape Town cohort

With a record number of applicants, Diller Teen Fellows is proud to announce the members of its sixth Cape Town cohort.

The application and interview process were comprehensive, and we were blown away by the outstanding leadership potential within our community.

Twenty selected fellows will embark on a once-in-a-lifetime journey exploring their Jewish identity, and solidifying their personal value system through participating in social action. Diller Teen Fellows is creating the next generation of committed Jewish leaders, and we are very honoured to have twenty fellows representing the program for 2020/2021.

As we navigate inevitable challenges throughout the year, we look forward to following out the program with this group of dedicated and dynamic teens.

Program Coordinator: Martine Kawalsky
Junior Counsellors: Julia Kaimowitz and Rachel Rod
Cohort 6 fellowship (in alphabetical order): Aaron Schwartz, Adam Selikowitz, Benjamin Vogelman, Darren Greenspan, Doron Zinman, Elle Franck, Ilan Meltz, Jade Rubin, Jared Daitsh, Jonah Schwartz, Katya Golan, Lilla Fleischmann, Michaela Perkel, Olivia Diamond, Rachel Castle, Ruby Kurgan, Sabrina Brivik, Silvie Richards, Yonatan Kuti-Alexander and Zoe Kaplan.

Diller Teen Fellows: website: Diller Teen Fellows , Facebook Diller Teen Fellows, Instagram @diller.capetown

Published in the print edition of the December 2020/January 2021 issue.
Download the Dec/Jan issue PDF here.

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