A new year with new ideas for CJSA seniors

November 2019: Jenny Dinsdale, Wendy Johnston, Rifka Luyt, Audrey Shantal, Reina Bristow, Merle Thompson, TIna Philipps and Maureen Lurie enjoying an outing

Who would have thought that on a beautiful summerโ€™s day, in magnificent Cape Town, with its wonderful shoreline and many open spaces for socialising and relaxing that the majority of law abiding people would be listening to our State Presidentโ€™s orders of staying indoors and observing lockdown protocols in order to stay safe?

Our social workers continue to be vigilant about keeping in touch with all of our members, regularly offering support, a listening ear and assistance while our office administrator has provided an incredible service telephonically to everyone who calls โ€” even throughout the leave period whilst the office was closed between Christmas and New Year.

Our Shabbat meals to our homebound and infirm members, as well as the community, continued throughout the festive season thanks to Berkies service and our wonderful volunteers who availed themselves each week. Even though over 100 people were alone in their own homes, there could be a sense of being part of a caring community, with each one receiving a similar meal and being able to feel that there was one huge Shabbat table for Cape Town.

Even though there were no end-of-year parties or New Yearโ€™s Eve celebrations, CJSA thought โ€˜out the boxโ€™ with Diana and Ivor Joffe collaborating to ensure that no one need to be lonely on the last night of the year. Ivor produced, organised and provided a spectacular Zoom concert with wonderful musicians singing and doing what they do best, entertaining. There were over 400 people entertained and able to enjoy a sense of fun and celebration in the safety of their homes. It was uplifting and although we were all in separate locations, we all felt that we were in the company of friends. The choice of performers was perfect and the addition of the messages by the various community leaders added a real special touch to the event.

We are now beginning a new year and unfortunately will not be meeting back at our centres in the foreseeable future. As a team we realise that we need to think creatively in order to provide ongoing services to our members. Zoom is the way to go and we are endeavouring to get as many people onto this platform as possible.

Currently we are offering Ageless Grace exercises twice a week and a weekly Zoom Pop In with a guest speaker, or very popular concert. We are now going to increase this offering with each social worker hosting their own branch meeting, regular Yiddish sessions, a knitting group and craft sessions, quizzes and movie/ book club reviews plus other topics, so there will certainly be something of interest for everyone. A weekly notice of the programme will be distributed via email so make sure you have 2021 diaries to keep up to date with what we have to offer.

We welcome our new Sea Point social worker Rebecca Yoko who has โ€˜metโ€™ many members on Zoom and looks forward to working with all of us.

I am sure that you join us in wishing a hearty mazaltov to three members who have recently celebrated their 100th Birthdays, all thank goodness in good health. Happy birthday to Ettie Buch, Manne Stern and Rita Blum. Hopefully we will be able to celebrate fully in the near future.

With sadness we remember two members of the CJSA Executive who both recently passed on. Benny Schlosberg joined the committee when CJSA opened the doors in the late 1980โ€™s and Chaired the organisation and became a Trustee. Tania Jacobson was a committed member, Chairman and committee member for a number of years and we wish their families and loved ones Long Life, and thank them for their commitment to Seniors.

Finally, even though we are not meeting in person, we are still providing a service to our seniors. No one should have the need to be alone or lonely, while they are at home. The seven Welfare groups under the Jewish Care Cape umbrella are providing a wonderful service to the whole community and we offer our sincere thanks to all emergency services and CSO for keeping us safe and being there for us 24/7.

Diana Sochen

Social and Personal
Wishes of Mazaltov to our members who recently celebrated the following:
Gillian Cress โ€” Grandson
Shirley Kellner โ€” Great Grandson
Stella and Errol Kope โ€” Grandson
Henny Bernstein โ€” Great Grandson
Roy and Vonnie Bernstein โ€” Grandson
Merle Rubin โ€” Granddaughter
Special Birthdays
Ettie Buch, Mannie Stern and Rita Blum 100th Birthdays

Many of our members are unwell due to having contracted the COVID-19 virus. We hold them in our prayers and wish them all a speedy recovery to full health.

Our condolences to members who have recently lost loved ones
Shiela Burland โ€” Husband
Hilary Osrin โ€” Brother
Audrey Shantall โ€” Brother in law

CJSA expresses condolences to the families of our members who have recently passed away
Irving Freeman
Chai (Livey) Herman
Reina Hurwitz
Tania Jacobson
Martin Margolis
Bennie Schlosberg

CJSA welcomes new members
Lionel and Karen Fig
Hirschel Ginsberg
Monty and Lola Gold
Desiree Katz
Ian and Dalene Morris
Emanuel Stern

Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Director: Diana Sochen, 021 434 9691, director@cjsa.org.za
Admin: Amanda, 021 434 9691, admin@cjsa.org.za
CJSA on Facebook

Published in the print edition of the February 2021 issue. Download the February 2021 issue PDF here.

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