2009 August

As noted in the editorial in this paper, 2009 is a special anniversary year for us, though in global terms it may not have the same degree of significance. After all it is 40 years since the first man walked on the moon.

During its ten years of growth, since opening in August 1999, the Cape Town Holocaust Centre has been unique in that it has never been parochial or inward-looking. This readers will see in the three pages in this issue, covering the Centreโ€™s development and the educational impact it has made on people and institutions throughout South Africa – extending its scope to include all the wrongs perpetuated and perpetrated the world over.

We are also in count-down mode towards the 25th anniversary moment of this paper in November. Twenty five years of chronicling the continuing, very active life of a community that many had predicted would be experiencing a miserable decline. Many of you readers out there who left this country for one of a range of reasons, should take heart that, though diminished, we remain strong, with well-functioning communal institutions and a tremendous vibrancy, notwithstanding the political vicissitudes and problems that the relatively โ€˜new South Africaโ€™ is experiencing.

These 36 pages tell but a part of the story; paint but a part of the picture. It would be advisable to begin on page one, where the leading events are indicated. For the rest, check out items highlighted below.

Regretfully, deadlines precluded coverage in this issue of the 18th Maccabiah. The overall story of this thrilling โ€˜meetโ€™ of Jewish athletes will have been featured in other publications and certainly on the web. Next month we will hear how our own boys and girls fared.


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