Born and died loving and defending Israel

By David Lazarus

David Abel grew up in Port Elizabeth where his passionately Zionist Revisionist family established Kolnicks Departmental Store.

Steeped in Zionism, the simmering flame of Jewish nationalism burst into an inextinguishable fire when he and his family personally met Zeโ€™ev Jabotinsky on both of his visits to SA in the 1930s, and David became a keen member of Betar and an ardent supporter of Jabotinsky. He proved his commitment by joining the IDF during the Sinai Campaign (1956 โ€” 1958), becoming a member of the World Betar Council while in Israel.

Returning to South Africa he became assistant editor of the Jewish Herald, mouthpiece of the Revisionist Party that, in Israel, was called Herut, subsequently renamed Likud. He also served the local community as SAZF Director, Eastern Cape and Border Zionist Council.

Whilst resident in the Western Cape country town of George, David worked with local Christian Zionists to establish the Support Association for Zionism. When he moved to Cape Town, as director of a research and development business, David retained his passion for Jewish nationalism. As the National Vice-Chairperson of LikudSA, he launched the LikudSA Cape Region and continued to work hard to include increasing numbers of Christian Zionists as members of LikudSA in order to grow the support base for Israel in the Western Cape amongst all population groups. Wearing his instantly-recognisable kova, he was also a regular delegate, participant, and thought-provoking questioner, at the biennial Cape Zionist Fed conferences.

Tragically, around 19 January, both David and his wife Marion died of Covid within a few hours of each other. Notwithstanding Davidโ€™s reputation as controversial, no one disputes his uncompromising, unselfish and unconditional commitment to, and deeply genuine love for Eretz Yisrael. An eloquent advocate for Israel. A true Zionist role-model.

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โ€ข Published in the PDF edition of the March 2022 issue โ€“ Click here to get it.

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