Our doors are always open

99-year-old Miriam Herzfield enjoying Purim in Sea Point

CJSA members have enjoyed many events, where they were able to socialise and see friends whilst maintaining all COVID protocols.

Each branch celebrated Purim with wonderful entertainment and lunches. We also hosted our first interbranch lunch in Wynberg with the band Shades of the Shadows playing old favourites. Members danced to the music, and sat clapping to the tunes; and then enjoyed wonderful fellowship and a delicious meal prepared by Avrons.

Out of the blue, we received a call from Tony Bentel, a pianist, currently performing at The Baxter. He offered to visit our centres and entertain our members, and we managed to host two great musical mornings in our Sea Point and Milnerton homes.

As a special service, Pesach meals were delivered to our membersโ€™ homes, courtesy of our wonderful volunteers. Thank you for the incredible donations received from generous members of our community to our Merleโ€™s Meals initiative. We were able to ensure that every member was able to celebrate Pesach properly. Obviously, those who could afford the service could also order and enjoy the meal, which was prepared by Berkies at Checkers.

There are still a number of our members who are reticent about returning to our normal activities. Below are some suggestions that might make it easier to reintegrate, as you test the waters and assess your feelings of mixing, and joining activities and outings:

Plan ahead so that you can know what to expect. If you have concerns, call ahead to the venue to ensure that you are comfortable with the safety protocols.

Manage your stress. Remember that everyone experiences stress in a different way, and you need to find a way of lessening your stress levels with a strategy that works for you.

Take it slow. Go at a pace that makes you feel comfortable. You canโ€™t expect to go at the pace you did prior to Covid, so take it easy and feel comfortable as you reintegrate.

Our social workers are there for you every step of the way, to help you feel comfortable and assist you in getting back to normal โ€” integrating and enjoying socialisation.

Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Director: Diana Sochen, 021 434 9691, director@cjsa.org.za
Admin: Amanda, 021 434 9691, admin@cjsa.org.za
CJSA on Facebook

Published in the PDF edition of the May 2022 issue โ€“ย Click here to read it.

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