A message from a new Olah

Letter to the editor

I left on Aliya from Cape Town two months ago and now live in Modiโ€™in.

It is a privilege beyond words. I keep thinking, โ€˜this must be a dreamโ€™.

I want to say Shehecheyanu multiple times every day. There is so much to say. To observe, internalise, attempt to interpret…

Everything is a living miracle in this corner of the planetโ€™s most dynamic 21st century site, of Holy and Unholy real estate.

At the same time, coming home to a home you are only beginning to become acquainted with is not a walk in the park. All the paradoxes are true simultaneously…

To be a Jew
Is shared destiny
On velvet carpets
Or piercing shards
To choose to link arms
In sweet song or deep lament
Is a catchment area for a soul
Immersed in ancient awareness
Of an inspirational goal.
Aliyot to the bimah are seldom awarded
To Rachelโ€™s descendants here
But Aliya can be chosen,
In other sacred space so dear.

Zmira (aka Zelma Merle) Cohen.

Letters to the editor: PO Box 4176, Cape Town, 8000 or e-mail: chron@ctjc.co.za

โ€ข Published in the August 2022 Digital Edition โ€“ย Click here to read it.

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