Bnei Akiva CT: an amazing two months

Starting off with Mini Mach! The camp, run by our very own Yael Robins Kallmann, was a blast! Grades 3 โ€” 11 enjoyed a weekend filled with Tefillah and fun, with a Tefillah workshop and powerful Shul services as well as playing glow-in-the-dark capture the flag and visiting farm animals.

With the end to a meaningful Pesach, we hosted our annual Pesach mimouna this year. Over 200 community members attended!

Every Wednesday, EQT (Extra Quality Torah) learning is headed by Lexi Sank, and every second Sunday, our madrichim run activities, also known as tochnits, for grades 3 โ€” 11.

This last month, we participated in six Israel-related community events. We helped organise and run the Yom Hazikaron event at Herzlia alongside the other youth movements and hosted a Zikaron Basalon at the Bnei bayit where we heard the remarkable story of Santa Pelham. We ran the Yom Hazikaron/Yom Haatzmaut transition ceremony at Morasha Shul. On the day of Yom Haatzmaut we ran activities at Herzlia High and Cape Town Torah High, and a candy floss stand at the community-wide event that night.

Our grade 3 โ€” 10 Winter Camp will be led by Jethro Klitzner! Scan the QR code above to sign up.

Kadimah Bnei Akiva!, Leah Hepple

Keep up to date!
Habonim: website: Habonim Dror SA, Facebook HabonimSA
Netzer: website:, Instagram netzer_southafrica
Bnei Akiva: website:ย Beni Akiva South Africa, Facebookย Bnei Akiva Cape Town
SAUJS Western Cape: Facebook @SAUJS, Instagram @saujs_westerncape
Diller Teen Fellows: website: Diller Teen Fellows , Facebook Diller Teen Fellows, Instagram

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โ€ข Published in the June 2023 issue โ€“ย Click here to start reading.

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