IDF psychiatrist shares his experiences

IDF psychiatrist shares his experiences

Renowned Israeli Defense Force (IDF) psychiatrist Dr Eyal Fruchter gave a presentation to the South African Zionist Federation (Cape Council) Mancom committee and local psychologists and psychiatrists on Tuesday 3 October.

Dr Fruchter has worked in army psychiatry for over ten years, is a member of the Israeli Psychiatric Board and is also a member of the inter-ministry committee on suicide prevention. He captivated the audience with his stories of dealing with Israeli soldiers, and shared some of what they experience to serve the state of Israel. His thoughts and ideas were extremely insightful. Dr Fruchter explained some of the IDF methods in dealing with post- traumatic stress disorder and how the soldiers being treated are considered not to be โ€˜illโ€™, but normal people under immense stress. Dr Fruchter and his teamโ€™s work is paramount for the IDF as we know it, and is vital for soldiers and their families. Dr Fruchter dealt directly with Gilad Shalit and reports that he is doing well. The wellbeing of IDF soldiers is an issue close to all of our hearts, and hearing these stories was truly a remarkable and memorable experience; reassuring the audience that these young men and women are being provided the best mental and physical services available.