Violence and trauma informs artwork

Former editor of the Cape Jewish Chronicle, Desrae Saacks, recently showed some of her paintings at a group exhibition marking the end of the 2023 Sessions programme for visual artists. 

Her body of work developed as a response to a trip to Lithuania that she undertook earlier this year โ€“ a trip that prompted her to reflect on her personal, familial and community identity, and to acknowledge how generational trauma has shaped her and others within her community. 

Desrae explains: 

โ€œI recently travelled to Lithuania, the country of my grandparentsโ€™ birth. I breathed the air and stood on the ground that had hosted generations of my family โ€“ and learned the horrific fate of those who had stayed behind. Along with the vast majority of Lithuaniaโ€™s sizable Jewish community, they were shot to death in mass graves in 1941.

Travelling around the country, I was aware of the violence that lay buried just below the surface; and felt the palpable absence of a recently erased community in a country teeming with ghosts.

This journey offered a profound opportunity for me to engage with my personal and cultural identity; and, on an expanded level, to grapple with the centrality of violence and trauma as an ever-repeating part of the human story. I am interested in how the residual effects of micro and macro acts of violence linger on a cellular, vibrational and energetic level, shaping our environment, our culture, our bodies and our psyches.

My practice is strongly rooted in a love of oil paint โ€“ a wondrous and generous substance that engages me on a tactile, intellectual, and spiritual level โ€“ and holds an energy and plasticity that offer boundless expressive potential.

I reference a Eurocentric culture that informed my childhood and education with depictions of martyrdom, horror and the grotesque – in the fairy tales that nurtured my imagination, and the paintings that inform my practice.โ€ 


โ€ข Published in the November 2023 issue โ€“ย Click here to start reading.

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