MOM’entum inspiring women to bring a positive future to Israel

Momentum group 2024

Inspire a woman, you inspire a family.
Inspire enough families, you inspire a community.
Inspire enough communities, you can change the world.

These words come from the international Jewish women’s movement, Momentum. The theme of inspiration was recently evident during a visit to Israel by a group of 15 local women who participated in the Momentum programme during May, joining 135 peers from Panama, America, Toronto, Australia and Israel. 

Momentum Community Leader and Herzlia educator, Melissa Hack, explains that, “The motivation for this group visit came from the change of course made by Momentum following October 7th, when mobilisation became their core focus. In times of crisis, the Jewish people act – we speak out, we volunteer, we give, we take action. And so, we felt a deep need to come to Israel, to see what was going on, to hug our brothers and sisters, to pick and plant, to witness, to uplift, to cry, to feel humbled and to become whole.”

The six-day Momentum trip, which was done in partnership with the Eric Samson Legacy Fund, was geared to give the group of women the opportunity to experience Israel through the eyes of a Jewish mother. The programme covered a variety of activities, including engaging with Israeli mothers. The shared experience of being mothers has led to meaningful connections among the women from the different countries, and there will no doubt be continued engagement in the future. 

Melissa comments that being in Israel offered a fresh view of life for South Africans who have been stunned by the attitude of our government. “How welcome it was not to see a Palestinian flag, not to hear chanting, not to feel hated. We evolved from a silent minority
to being able to raise our voices, wave our Israeli flags and dance and sing to Am Yisrael Chai, as loud as we could with all our South African gees.” 

The women faced a mix of emotions. On the one hand, there is hope: hope in the sentiment that ‘from darkness, light shall emerge’. On the other hand, there is still a sense that darkness looms, that the time of crisis is not yet over. “But,” the moms in the group explain, “we found glimmers of light in the unity of the Israeli people. Volunteers, both local and international, rallied to support farmers and soldiers alike. That was truly inspiring.”

The group found a huge contrast back home in South Africa. “Once again, we were confronted with a different darkness. Political turmoil and social media vitriol marred our memories of solidarity. Misinformation and prejudice tainted discussions, overshadowing our experiences of unity and compassion in Israel.” This highlights what the current war is really about: a battle of right versus wrong.

The Momentum moms encourage all of us to act in support of Israel. “If you feel the call to stand with Israel, heed it. Your support is needed now more than ever,” Melissa concludes.

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