A Proudly Progressive Shabbat

Linda Thorn and Diana Sochen

Shabbat belongs to every single one of us โ€” it is arguably our greatest treasure. The early cultural Zionist thinker, Ahad Haโ€™Am (Asher Ginsberg) famously said: โ€œMore than the Jewish people have kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jewish people.โ€

These words beautifully echo the incredible energy, spirituality and community that accompanied our unique celebration of the Shabbat Project. Whether it was the kneading, braiding, singing and overall joy of the incredible, inclusive Challah Bake, or davening Shachrit under the warm rays of the morning sun at the Tefillin Wrap or enjoying the spiritual lift of one of the special shul services on offer or just experiencing the melodic and magical high of The Havdallah Braai, we came together as a community to share the powerful and connecting experience that is Shabbat.

And we did it in true Proudly Progressive style.

We want to thank all who were involved in the planning and running of Shabbat Project 5778, but special mention should be made of Eureka Mills for their wonderful sponsorship of the flour for the Challah Bake.


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