Hermanus Shul and Community Centre consecrated to much acclaim

In a reversal of the trend for synagogues in rural communities, to close as their members migrated to the urban centres, the newly-built synagogue and community centre of the Hermanus Hebrew Congregation was consecrated in the presence of communal dignitaries and representatives of the different faith groups of the seaside town on Sunday 7 September.

Also present was Freda Auerbach, Hermanusโ€™s longest-standing Jewish resident, who has lived there for 68 years. Though the town has 31 permanent Jewish residents, the numbers swell considerably over weekends and holiday periods, when the estimated 349 holiday home owners arrive at the popular resort.

Chief Rabbi Dr Warren Goldstein, who offi ciated at the ceremony, noted that the yahrzeit of the late chief rabbi Cyril Harris was due to fall during the coming week.
โ€œThe hand of Hashem has guided us to have (the ceremony) two days before his yahrzeit โ€” it wasnโ€™t planned that way,โ€ he said.

The late Chief Rabbi, together with his wife Ann, retired to Hermanus towards the end of 2004 and had given, in the words of congregation president Jonathan Lipman, โ€œso much moral and spiritual upliftment at a time when we really needed it.โ€

He was โ€œthe one who got us thinking of having more than just a shul for our community by suggesting that we take a serious look at improving the facilities that we have available for our congregantsโ€. Referring to the enormous impact that his predecessor had had on the community, Rabbi Goldstein said that during the course of his duties, he often found that โ€œthe way was paved for me because of his reputation. โ€œOn occasions such as this, we all feel his absence โ€” at this ceremony and in our community.โ€

Rabbi Goldstein remarked that the challenge facing the congregation would be to continue the commitment to the minyanim that it has thus far displayed. Acknowledging the presence of the townโ€™s executive mayor, Theo Beyleveldt, he asked, โ€œWould our ancestors ever have imagined that theyโ€™d dedicate a synagogue in the presence of the mayor of a city?โ€ Ann Harris, a member of the shul committee, recalled that many had admired the communityโ€™s confi dence in building a synagogue in โ€œdiffi cult times. โ€œYou gave us that confi dence,โ€ she said, addressing herself to the mayor, who, it later emerged, had motivated for a reduced price for the land on which the synagogue and community centre were built.

Mrs Harris paid tribute Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft of the SA Jewish Board of Deputiesโ€™ Country Communities Dept, and to Jonathan Lipman โ€” โ€œthe two people on whom the project restedโ€. Directing her remarks to leaders of the wider community, she said, โ€œThere can never be community development without a partnership between the lay and spiritual leadership. Iโ€™ve watched the partnership between these two gentlemen, based on tolerance, respect and understanding.

It has kept the Hermanus Hebrew Congregation within the fold of the UOS. โ€œRabbi Moshe Silberhaft forges partnerships all over, within and without the country. Itโ€™s quite remarkable that heโ€™s able to inspire confi dence in people who are far from organised communities, and keep them strong.โ€ Praising Lipman, treasurer of the congregation David Rade said that he had not merely gone the proverbial extra mile but โ€œan extra million milesโ€ to bring the project to fruition. โ€œJonathan would accept nothing unless it was 100% correct, and the phone calls to Rabbi Silberhaft re any halachic rule to be followed took place anywhere and anytime.โ€

Acknowledging the Jewish communityโ€™s โ€œhugeโ€ contribution to South Africa, Executive Mayor Beyleveldt asked the community โ€œto continue to support us in our endeavours to make a contribution towards the regeneration of our societyโ€. Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft described the Harrisโ€™s decision to retire to Hermanus as โ€œone of the greatest boostsโ€ the community had received. He dedicated the Ten Commandments in the synagogue โ€” from the Randfontein Shul that closed ten years ago โ€” to the late Chief Rabbi โ€œbecause his life and personality embodied the values contained therein. โ€œToday we continue to be fortunate to have Ann as a member of this community. She plays a key role in both the local and general communities of Hermanus,โ€ he added, describing her as โ€œthe voice of reasonโ€.

Article coutresy of the SA Jewish Report


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