May’s activities – the action and the pleasures – were dampened somewhat by the deaths of two The Chronicle you are now reading was actually sent off to the print process on Tuesday 15 June, but at time of writing this ‘blurb’ – 24 June – the general scene in Cape Town has charged up amazingly and is likely to get more and more feverish as we move into July.
The FIFA World Cup 2010 excitement is already beyond belief. It’s a ‘once in a lifetime’ thing of ‘Olympian’ dimension, with virtually everyone having caught World Cup fever. Even the most soccer disinterested are being affected by the prevailing atmosphere, as the sounds of the vuvuzelas blast the ear from every quarter, within and far beyond the precincts of the Green Point Stadium. Even on non match days.
On page one of this issue you’ll find an indication of how things were in the early days of the competition, with the Hatfield crew showing their ‘gees’ – spirit or ruach, if you wish. And there’s quite a bit more throughout the paper. But the full coverage has been and will continue right into July to be via the internet, the general press and the TV, which is apparently attracting millions, or some reports say, billions of viewers worldwide.
So that’s where you’ll find the full stories.
As for life beyond the World Cup, namely on our ‘home front’, page one has two very significant pieces which should be read, particularly, as far as the Chronicle is concerned, on top right.
Another item to note is an ad on page 4, for an editor as of 2011. All applications will be welcomed for this challenging and stimulating position.
After that, it’s your call, and we trust that the paper won’t disappoint.
For just a taste we highlight a few items, as noted below, where apart from the first two, the focus is on ‘young stuff’. The articles on the intervening pages of the issue provide a good deal of the ‘meat’ and reports on what’s been happening in the community of late.