“I am sure that I am up to date with my annual subscription. I would think it a very sad day if the Cape Jewish Chronicle should cease to be published. Please find attached donation to use as you see fit.”
The above message came attached to a cheque for R1000, which was received in our office with ‘high fives’ and smiles.
Without the permission of this generous supporter, we cannot divulge his identity. Suffice to say … our public thank you to ‘J’.
Another reassuring message with a voluntary sub, read: “The Jewish community need you. Keep it up.”
So, as they say, “Nu?”
It’s over to you.
When subs come in they are noted in our register, which carries recordsof previous years. The surprising discovery, now that we have done a light perusal of the register, is that many people who sent in subs last year, for 2009, have not repeated the gesture this year — for 2010.
And some who have responded to our recent appeal are not even on last year’s roll, and could well be first-timers.
If, therefore, you were a 2009 subscriber, is there a reason that you’ve not followed up this year?
It is never pleasant to nag — especially for funds — but now is the hour; now is the crucial moment.
It’s your prerogative. It’s over to you.
And once again, our grateful thanks to all those who have responded to our ‘invitation’.