October heralds a few interesting changes in – or on – the Cape Town scene, mainly due to come into effect at the beginning of next year.
The front page of this issue indicates leadership changes in the UHS, Herzlia School system, which should excite. Likewise exciting is the box just off centre of the page which provides the answer to what so many of our readers want to know – who will be the next editor of the Cape Jewish Chronicle. Read about it and the bio of the encumbent-to-be on page 3.
Two success stories from the UK make very interesting reading not only because of the achievements of the two respective men, but specifically their Cape Town connections, which more than qualify their inclusion in our paper. The revelations begin on page 1, with the two full stories on page 22.
As you will note, names are being omitted in this ‘blurb’, in order to pique curiosity and lure you into reading deeper in than just page one.
So … you are now alerted to page 6, dealing with Israel and issues surrounding it, which is not to be missed. And a must for the young adult community, the bulk of whom, one would imagine, are ‘web’ readers, must surely be YAD’s page 10.
At the risk of turning this into some kind of sales pitch – which in fact it is – another ‘must read’ would be the column of the rabbi on page 21, entitled ‘Ceme-trees’. Informative and interesting, offering the pros and cons of a controversial subject – burial.
That is your taste of the November issue, whose deadline was 4 October and not covering what’s happened prior, pre-prior and possibly even more pre-prior to the beginning of November.
Once again, please note the strategy of this blurb – Nothing detailed. No specifics. No one named.
A quick download of the 32 pages will reveal all. Read on!