What do you get when you put 60 twenty-something-year-olds from seventeen different countries into one conference room for three days?
A whole lot of fun, learning, laughter and new friendships equalling one totally awesome TaMaR conference! TaMaR (Tnuat Magshimim Reformit) is the World Union for Progressive Judaism’s international movement of Progressive Jewish Young Adults.
The sessions were wise and wonderful — from learning about leadership from a classical music point of view with internationally acclaimed Israeli conductor, Roni Porat, to doing an interactive workshop with the concept of ‘rented minds,’ to having a Eurovision-style karaoke night where each country’s representatives had to sing a song from their country.
Every year, a conference is held with the idea to strengthen TaMaR communities around the world by creating networking and learning sessions with leaders of the World Union for Progressive Judaism. The main focus of the conference was young adult leaders responsible in their Jewish communities and our place in WUPJ as a whole. Other aims of the conference were to learn how to engage other young adults in our communities, how to be better leaders and how to encourage participation amongst our peers.
All in all, this was an amazing conference organised and hosted by TaMaR leaders and everyone who attended the conference gained fantastic new knowledge and skills.