A Golden opportunity for Mikyla

Mikyla and fellow cast members rehearse for Sophiatown, running from 2 – 5 August

Mikyla Emergui is Ruth Golden in Pinelands High Schoolโ€™s Sophiatown.

She plays Ruth, the Jewish girl from Yeoville in the hit musical set in the 1950s. The play tells the story of the apartheid government’s Group Areas Act and the forced removals to Meadowlands.

Sophiatown takes place in a freehold home divided by the chalk marks on the floor, this single room structure, and sometimes shabeen, holds the lives of seven characters that are responsible for the action of the play. Mingus an infamous American gangster, his cherrie โ€˜Princessโ€™, Lulu a school girl, Charlie the sidekick, Fafie an ear to the ground, Jakes a reporter at Drum Magazine and Ruth, played by Emergui.

Emergui is a matric student at Pinelands High School and has won many awards for filming/editing/directing and acting. Her passion is editing and has produced many of her own and her schoolโ€™s videos, some of which have been shown at opening movie nights for various functions.

Resonating with Jazz and politics, Sophiatown tells us of the strength and bravery of everyday heroes who put their bodies on the line for liberation.


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