Chabad on Campus profiles Modern Maccabees: Aaron Fleishman

Chabad on Campus Portfolio: UCT Chair

I believe in what we are doing and will use my strengths as a leader, a motivator and a thinker to take Chabad from strength to strength. I want us to grow even more than we have already but for this year I would especially like to involve  some of the Capetonian students who are not as involved. Without Chabad on Campus, I would not have had a Jewish home in Cape Town. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to grow as a Jew nor find the Jewish friends that I have. Chabad on Campus is bringing Jews together and I love that.

To download the full PDF of the March Cape Jewish Chronicle, click here

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To read another Chabad on Campus Modern Maccabi profile, click here

To read the most read article of last month, click here


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