Every year Orientation Week for freshmen is a big buzz (and perhaps a blur too) as they throw themselves into varsity life and culture.
This year, Chabad on Campus was part of the O-Week action at UCT, with devoted veteran members welcoming new Jewish students who were shopping around for a club or society to join in the exciting world of campus life.
Campus Rabbi Nissen Goldman says, “Ash [Rebbetzin Ashleigh Goldman] and I are enjoying a lot of nachas from several of our Chabad on Campus members who have taken on the job of running SAUJS WC activities this year. They, together with SAUJS Director Nicole Lee, have done a fine job in making Jewish students feel safe on campus, and fighting for their religious rights.”
To download the full PDF of the March Cape Jewish Chronicle, click here
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To read another Chabad on Campus Modern Maccabi profile, click here
To read the most read article of last month, clickhere