The SAJM exhibition, Where is Kovno? has attracted a large number of visitors since December.
On Wednesday 6 February the Old Synagogue filled up with a crowd interested to hear artists Yda Walt and Cheryl Rumbak in conversation with author Mark Gevisser about the process of creating the exhibition.
The discussion centred around the artists’ personal journeys back to Lithuania to uncover the history behind the extermination of the country’s Jewish community. Their exhibition centred on the remnants that still remain, shrouded in silence, in the city of Kaunas (Kovno) and surrounding countryside. The informal conversation allowed for comments and questions from the audience, highlighting many of the emotions, issues and topics that the exhibition evokes in its viewers.
On the Sunday following the talk, 75 people attended the artists’ walkabout, in which Cheryl and Yda presented each exhibit in detail and explained its inception. Participants had the rare opportunity to engage with an exhibition and its creators, resulting in a full and rewarding experience.
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