The reality has set in and we now know that our CJSA homes will not be bustling with activity in the near future.
The good news is that the CJSA team is reaching out to all members every day and we are thinking out of the box to continue with our programmes. If you think back to prior COVID-19 and when we went into lockdown on 27 March, today 12 weeks ago, I believe that there were less than 10 members who had ever attempted a Zoom meeting. Last week we hosted a special concert for Shavout with Ivor Joffe and Friends and at one stage during the show there were over 145 guests viewing. How wonderful! We are so impressed with those who are trying new skills and attempting to keep informed and involved.
Lockdown and isolation can really be a very lonely time. We endeavour to keep in touch with our members as often as possible with our team making regular calls to members for a chat, to offer Shabbat meals, or for more serious issues needing to be discussed. The normal confidentiality clauses are maintained, so members are assured of assistance in a caring, private environment by one of our team.
Our Shabbat Meal delivery is proving to be a godsend to many and we are serving over 200 meals weekly thanks to the incredible input from Berkies who are really going all out to see that everyone can sit down to a deliciously prepared meal on a Shabbat evening. As this service is very new to us, there have been a few glitches, and we sincerely apologise to those who have experienced them.
Throughout the world there are wonderful individuals who are trying to make things easier for those who are assisting their various communities. We were contacted by Noam Honig, a young Israeli who since the onset of COVID, has developed the most incredible app. It is being used by the police and army and volunteers in Israel who are providing the same sort of food delivery services as we are doing for Shabbat.
Noam generously offered to get CJSA on the app so that we could streamline our service; and within two weeks we are confidently up and running with a state of art system to ensure that we can provide an efficient service. JCS will also be using the same programme with their deliveries and it has all happened with a generous heart and at no charge to us. This certainly shows a huge heart of giving cross borders so that all of us can give the best service possible. (Read the CJC front page article all about Noam Honig and this amazing app.)
Our weekly programme, although shortened quite considerably is giving joy to many. Thanks to Yvonne and Joycelyn for offering their services of Ageless Grace enabling our members to exercise every Wednesday and Friday morning. Our weekly pop in events continue with a variety of presenters every Thursday morning and each week we will offer more to keep our members busy and part of the community.
Our knitting group in Southern Suburbs has been very busy during lockdown and have collected and delivered beautiful beanies to children who will really benefit from this beautiful gift.
Our drivers offer the services of shopping, transporting to doctor’s appointments, delivering carers working at Glendale to work and home again every day of the week and also delivering our Shabbat meals. Wonderful Amanda, our office assistant, is maintaining and referring phone calls and manning the very active Facebook page which is full of news, photos and activities which is keeping everyone up to date.
Diana Sochen, Executive Director CJSA
Social and Personal
Our Social and Personal Column is much shortened this time but we share in the joy of those who have had any celebratory occasions and feel the pain of our members who have endured any losses.
Rabbi and Rebbetsin Goldman — son
Sadie Graziani — great grandson
Rochelle and Gerard Maisel — grandson
Miriam Lichterman — great granddaughter
Ian and Debbie Cohen — son Jeff, in Israel
Wedding Anniversary 60th
Eldred and Eva Polikoff
Wedding Anniversary 51st
Charles and Yvonne Berman
Wedding Anniversary
Bernard and Rose Brenner
Special Birthday
Lilian Sheldon 90th
Welcome to new members
Marcia Cirota, Linda Dirmeik, Rochelle Ginsberg, Maureen Helman, Shirley Kaplan, Shiela Rosen, Gary Schwartz, Lillian Wapnick, Ed Wittert
Len Anstey — brother
Golda Sher — cousin
Family of our members: Sandra Margo, Myer Herman and Marie Salkow
Enjoy a delicious Berkies Shabbat meal every week delivered by our wonderful group of volunteers. Contact us for more information.
Join us online
• Get your body moving on Zoom
every Wednesday at 10am with Yvonna
and every Friday at 10am with Joycelyn
• Our weekly Zoom Pop-In
with guest speaker every Thursday at 10am
Cape Jewish Seniors Association
Director: Diana Sochen, 021 434 9691,
Admin: Amanda, 021 434 9691,
CJSA on Facebook
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