The Eliot Osrin Leadership Institute is the first-ever organisation in the SA Jewish community to address leadership and succession.
“Graduating our third cohort and experiencing the impact of our programmes on the Cape Town Jewish community is evident by the election and professional appointments of lay and professional communal leaders across all the sectors,” boasts Viv Anstey, Director and curriculum developer for EOLI.
The 2021/22 Cohort showcased their leadership gains from EOLI’s flagship year-long Leadership Development Programme (LDP) which began in November 2021. Each cohort member’s talents and strengths reflected their growth and engagement as leaders for the benefit of the community.
The Action Learning groups’ presentations focused on key challenges in the community, and provided the platform for dialogue, consultation and critical thinking. This problem-solving model casts fresh eyes and a game-changing perspective on what is often experienced as an entrenched challenge. The five Action Learning presentations were exciting and inspiring with a focus on sustainability:
Care Services received the attention of two groups
LeadGrow: The concept of staff development and training were prioritised, addressing how staff appraisals in the community organisations can be used as a tool and mechanism for staff growth and succession planning.
Bargains Galore Rediscovered: Partnering with the BG team, they managed to sort the stock, give it a new and fresh look, and create an online platform to further sales and community reach.
Three groups focused on community and education
The Lost Tribe: involved engagement with Jewish parents who have chosen not to send their children to Jewish day schools and to find out why. Their findings ignited a spark to help connect and support the community specially to build community and address needs of families.
Nurturing Networks: Herzlia Alumni professionals were invited to present to the Grade 11s to inspire them to discover career paths and be activated to grow and sustain the Jewish community.
Future Thinking: A much-needed space for shared learning and collaboration between the four Jewish Day schools was opened up, for teachers to train teachers on their unique and innovative teaching styles and individualised teaching methodology.
We are grateful to our expert team of faculty who have brought the Cohort’s learning to this milestone juncture in the LDP and empowered each participant to show up as an emerging consultant within the communal space. As we embark on our final module on Ethical Leadership, with both an internal and external community focus, the transformation and investment of our participants is glowingly evident. EOLI’s commitment to people-proofing and leadership succession can be deeply felt within and across the community.
We bid Melissa Zolty farewell as she moves on to UJC as Brand Manager, after almost five years in her role as Project Manager. We appreciate her contribution to the start-up phase of EOLI, of building the infrastructure and systems. We welcome to the team Jade Wasserman, who will bring her background in education from the field.
For more information on The Eliot Osrin Leadership Institute visit:
• Published in the October 2022 Digital Edition – Click here to read it.
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