What’s keeping Bnei busy?

The past two months have been packed with tochniot for our channichim, evenings for our madrichim, exciting school visits, and lots of planning for the upcoming months!

We started off the year by meeting with our updated madrichim body, welcoming our new grade 12 madrichim with Escape Rooms at the Waterfront! All the madrichim involved enjoyed the day of growth, fun and getting to know each other. A week after that, the madrichim had a session where we were spoiled with breakfast, heard and learnt from our guest speaker Sarit Suisa, and connected with our Shichva groups to plan the opening tochniot for our channichim. 

The following Sunday was tochnit day — a day of power and fun! Each shichva ran their own activity — here’s what they got up to. 

Ktan Tanim (Grade 3) Baked cookies and played games 

Ktan Tanim (Grade 4) Slime making and an ice cream party 

Gurim (Grade 5) Ice cream and ice breakers

Gurim (Grade 6) Total Ninja!

Roim (Grade 7) Games morning at the bayit

Moledet (Grade 8) Signal Hill sunset picnic and games

Kaveh (Grade 9) Pizza night at the bayit

Hashachar (Grade 10) Burger night 

Refael (Grade 11) Dinner and volunteer programme launch

In total, we had 120 kids at our opening activities! We can’t wait for the rest of the year, to continue having the best time with all our channichim. 

Aside from our tochniot on Sundays, we have been busy every single week with school visits, Shabbat programmes, Torah nights during the week for madrichim and channichim, as well as helping out with Tu B’Shvat community events.

The next big thing to look out for is our Purim Carnival on 5 March, Chesed Day on 19 March; and MiniMach which we are overjoyed to announce is going to be from the 24 – 26 March and led by our very own Yael Robbins Kalmann! An interest form has already been released and we can’t wait to see as many faces there as possible! From Strength to Strength — Kadimah Bnei Akiva.
Leah Hepple, Cape Town chairwoman

Keep up to date!
Habonim: website: Habonim Dror SA, Facebook HabonimSA
Netzer: website: Netzer.org.za, Instagram netzer_southafrica
Bnei Akiva: website: Beni Akiva South Africa, Facebook Bnei Akiva Cape Town
SAUJS Western Cape: Facebook @SAUJS, Instagram @saujs_westerncape
Diller Teen Fellows: website: Diller Teen Fellows , Facebook Diller Teen Fellows, Instagram @diller.capetown
BBYO South Africa: Instagram @bbyo.sa, website www.bbyo.org

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• Published in the March 2023 Digital Edition – Click here to start reading.

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