The past few months have been very special with many amazing initiatives and projects kicking off.
Being active South Africans has always been one of our main goals, so partnering with Ikamva Labantu had incredible meaning for us. Ikamva Labantu focuses on community-led projects that aim to help and empower those communities with exactly the tools they need. In April, we ran two seminars with them in Gugulethu and Khayelitsha, for children aged 10 — 16. The seminars focused on instilling interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, with the overall theme of being active role models for other children in their own communities. We were grateful for this opportunity and cannot wait to work again with Ikamva Labantu.
Our winter camp, Nofesh, runs from 11 — 17 July, and is exclusive to Grade 7 — 9. Nofesh directly translates to vacation, and that is exactly what it is going to be. A week of outings, paintball, live music, sports, and a range of other activities for the most action-packed week you could have. Make sure you don’t miss out — scan the QR code on the poster to sign up!
Our year-end camp dates have also been revealed! Machaneh will be from the 10 — 27 December in Onrus. Follow our Instagram and Facebook posts to make sure you do not miss out on further information.
Aleh V’hagshem!, Jeffrey Gutman, S’gan Mazkira

Keep up to date!
Habonim: website: Habonim Dror SA, Facebook HabonimSA
Netzer: website:, Instagram netzer_southafrica
Bnei Akiva: website: Beni Akiva South Africa, Facebook Bnei Akiva Cape Town
SAUJS Western Cape: Facebook @SAUJS, Instagram @saujs_westerncape
Diller Teen Fellows: website: Diller Teen Fellows , Facebook Diller Teen Fellows, Instagram
BBYO South Africa: Instagram, website
Find the SA Zionist Federation – Cape Council online:
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• Published in the June 2023 issue – Click here to start reading.
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