The Kesher Project brings us together

The Kesher Project is an initiative that aims to give more members of the Cape Town Jewish community the opportunity to spend Shabbat Friday night dinners and other chaggim meals with company. 

This project, with its name meaning ‘connection’, is open for all members of the community who could benefit (post-school and onward), but is geared most toward members of our community who lack community connections with whom to spend festive meals, such as: those who are retired, widowed or empty nested, or those that have moved to Cape Town to study and therefore lack a family with whom to spend festive dinners.  

If you have a family or a house that can accommodate a guest at your festive dinners, we encourage you to invite a fellow Jew to ‘grab a seat’. If you are looking for an accessible way of making community connections and being more active in Jewish cultural practice, we encourage you to ‘grab a seat’. 

The project functions as a matching system, in which prospective hosts are paired with prospective guests weekly based on commonalities (such as degree of religious observance) or area of residence. Signing up to be a member of the project does not mean that you will host/be hosted every week, but means that you’ll be on a database of members who will receive an automated email weekly enquiring if you would like to participate in that particular week’s set of pairings for Shabbat, or other relevant chaggim. 

Sign up now to become a member of this exciting project. 

You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt

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