The past month has been a whirlwind for Diller Teen Fellows Cape Town. We wrapped up with a meaningful Closing Shabbaton and an emotional Graduation for Cohort 9, celebrating their journey and growth.
As we bid farewell to this incredible group, we are thrilled to welcome our new Cohort 10 Fellows. Mazel tov to the incoming Fellows and a heartfelt well done to all our applicants. We are confident that Cohort 10 will build on the legacy of their predecessors, bringing fresh energy and passion to the programme. Exciting times lie ahead!
Keep up to date!
Habonim: website: Habonim Dror SA, Facebook HabonimSA
Netzer: website: Netzer.org.za, Instagram netzer_southafrica
Bnei Akiva: website: Beni Akiva South Africa, Facebook Bnei Akiva Cape Town
SAUJS Western Cape: Facebook @SAUJS, Instagram @saujs_westerncape
Diller Teen Fellows: website: Diller Teen Fellows , Facebook Diller Teen Fellows, Instagram @diller.capetown
BBYO South Africa: Instagram @bbyo.sa, website www.bbyo.org
Find the SA Zionist Federation – Cape Council online:
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, www.sazfcape.co.za
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