Cape Jewish Seniors — A busy month at CJSA

Jack Nathan, Benjamin Marks and Miriam Lichterman at Sukkot

Download your PDFs of the Seniors calendars for January and February below:


Preparation for a new Year

As we move towards 2018, we have plenty to reflect on.

This year has seen members enjoying many special occasions; whether it has been listening to a guest speaker presenting a topic which is important to them, or the wonderful outings that we have all over our beautiful city, the Goudini midweek break, the weekly bridge games, yoga and other exercises that keep our brains active and our limbs supple, or the many different times when we have been able to share a special meal in the company of others. It has certainly been an unforgettable year.
Looking forward to 2018, we commence by moving into a beautifully renovated Sea Point home. We are so delighted with the transformation and look forward to many happy years there. During the first two months of the new year, we are going to make use of the good weather by spending many days outdoors. A midweek break is on the cards, so think of joining us for some special ‘me time’ in the company of friends.

JCC members were very proud of the outstanding AGM that we hosted. We were privileged to hear the incredible Mariuma, who hailed from Israel, speaking on her special project with street children and the two incredible shelters that she has initiated in Beersheba and in Tel Aviv. Against all odds, she is making a tremendous difference to the lives of marginalised youth.

Mini Olympics
We hosted our first—ever Mini Olympics and this really proved to be a momentous day with much fun and laughter from both the participants and spectators. We used the Herzlia Field in Highlands and we, the CJSA seniors, together with a team from Highlands House as well as a fantastic team from Ikamva Labantu enjoyed participating and sharing a morning together. Community participation would be appreciated. This event will certainly become a regular in our annual planning of events when we honour our seniors in October which is the month dedicated to revering Seniors.

As Summer comes into full swing, we look forward to welcoming visitors to our shores. Many are family of our members who return as often as possible to visit loved ones. Our members look forward to the visits for months prior to their arrival and we know how sad they are after they leave. We endeavor to create a home away from home atmosphere at our centres and to assist in any way needed when the family arrive.

Diana Sochen, Executive Director.

Sunday 21 January
World Premiere
Leah Teddy & the Mandolin
See calendar of events for details

Jill Lazard, Chairman of FADS, will be organising our new Lifestyle Club which will be starting on 28 February 2018. Professor Howard Philips will be our guest speaker at the first evening. He will speak on the Earliest South African Jewish Document R60. Starts 6.30 pm with supper to follow.


We extend a hearty mazaltov on the following occasions:
Henny Bernstein — Great grandson
Sadie Graziani — Great grandson
Ivor Jacobson — Grandson
Judith Resnick — Great grandson
Ruth Goldman — Granddaughter
Reina Hurwitz— Grandson
Joan Kahn — Grandson
Eunice and Leon Movsowitz — Granddaughter
Ada Newman — Grandson
Shirley Elvey — Granddaughter
Pearl Firer — Daughter
Sheila and Ivan Sofer — 50
Joe and Shulamit Rozowsky — 50
Veronica Belling — 70
June Benjamin
Sam Levy — 80
Joe Rozowsky — 80
We extend our sincere best wishes to our members who have not been well
Rita Blum, Maya Golan, Doreen Kantor, Michelle Pietersen
Dorothy Woolf
We extend our sincere condolences to our members who have lost family members:
Marie Abel — Daughter,
Irving Freeman — Wife Irene
Owen and Lisa Futeran — Father
Jack Schneider — Wife, Cynthia Schneider
We welcome New Members to the CJSA family:
Dr Ian and Heather Blumenthal
Twiggy Curitz
Rose Korber
Errol and Jennifer Millar
Adele and Bernard Saven
Randall Sher
Norma and Sidney Shlomowitz
Gizelle Solomon
Reuben and Sheila Wagenheim
Mazaltov to Recipients of WIZO 2017 Rebecca Sieff Awards

Special Events: — Booking essential
7 December Twilight Supper, Milnerton — end of year dance with Ivor and Shuli R60
8 December Shabbat Supper, Milnerton R60
18 December Birthday Pop In, Milnerton
19 December Birthday Pop in, Sea Point
16 January Twilight Supper Sea Point, Heather Blumenthal — Derech Eretz R50
18 January Twilight Supper, Milnerton — David Jacobson — Are we our own worst enemies? R50
23 January Birthday Pop In, Sea Point — Janine Rogers
13 February Twilight Supper, Sea Point — Theodore Yach speaking on ultra-distance swimming — R50
15 February Twilight Supper, Milnerton — Charles Gonsenhauser speaking on the beauty of carpets R50
21 February Twilight supper, Southern Suburbs —Charles Gonsenhauser speaking on the beauty of carpets R50
20 February Birthday Pop In, Sea Point — Joy Wilkin — Yiddish theatre in Cape Town
28 February Launch of the Lifestyle Club with Harold Philips — The Earliest South African Jewish Document R60


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