The IWITNESS testimony of Pinchas Gutter

Pinchas Gutter became the first Holocaust survivor to record his testimony for the USC Shoah Foundation’s Dimensions in Testimony (DiT) project. Using virtual reality tools, people are able to ’meet’ Pinchas on this digital platform and ask him questions about his life before, during and after the Holocaust. This is a phenomenal means of keeping the experiences of the Holocaust alive at any time. 

The screenshot you see above shows an online conversation with Pinchas on IWITNESS – in other words, the answers to the questions are generated by the tools; Pinchas is not actually physically present during this discussion. 

Try it out yourself – go to:

Read more about Pinchas Gutter in this month’s CJC here: Former Capetonian receives Canadian honour

• Read the February 2025 issue in magazine format here.

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